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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

Strengthening the Earth’s Resilience
The Earth is continually being bombarded by the impact of our behaviour.  The Earth struggles to maintain itself and to be able to regenerate.  Like human populations, the Earth suffers from the upheavals caused by natural disasters. Just like it takes a huge effort to rebuild communities that have been devastated by natural disasters, the process of rejuvenating the environment can be daunting.

Focus for the Meditation
Send forth energy of love and light to assist areas of the Earth’s core that need strengthening, reinforcement and rebuilding.

Meditation Reflection

When you send love and blessings to another, in this case Nature, it is felt by the recipient at the deepest level. Nature receives your reinforcement and acknowledgement of her profound suffering with gratitude.  Attention, devotion and mindful consideration are powerful healers.

When love is directed at those who are in distress they experience a release from their pain. Given freely, without conditions, love is the highest form of spiritual grace and joy to both giver and receiver.  Gifting Nature with intentions of supporting her ability to cope in the face of upheaval is a blessing indeed.

Focus is essential for creation/manifestation of the desired.
