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The Power of Sound

Sound Healing: A Holistic Approach to Mind-Body-Spirit Healing

One form of sound healing is done with Crystal Singing Bowls.  Healers including medical doctors use Crystal Singing Bowls in their practice with patients.  Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, has documented his work with sound therapy in a book, The Healing Power of Sounds.

Creating a Crystal Singing Bowl involves heating 99.992% pure crushed quartz to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold.  The bowls come in a variety of sizes ranging from 6 to 24 inches in diameter.  They are available in clear or frosted bowls and they emit a powerful, pure resonance.

It is believed that different organs of the body or chakras (energy centres of the body) respond to different musical notes.  Hence, each Crystal Singing Bowl resonates to a specific note: A, B, C, D, E, F G.

Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems.  Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound.  When we are in a relaxed state, our entire body, including our brain waves vibrate at a fundamental frequency of about 8 cycles per second, literally attuning us to the basic electromagnetic field of the earth itself

The therapeutic effect of these bowls makes them a wonderful complement to meditations.  Sometimes bowls are played individually or in a grouping to deliver a Crystal Singing Bowl “concert”.  Meditating to the sound of Crystal Singing Bowls has a deepening and enriching effect.

While there is nothing like hearing the real thing, you’ll find plenty of CDs or YouTube recordings like this one which I find beautiful for meditation:

For further reading about Crystal Singing Bowls check-out these Websites: